Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
It has been an honor and pleasure to work with the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America during my entire career.
Whenever they reach out, I know it is going to be a creative project. From pocket calendars and planners to a specially-commissioned icon of St. Paul in Athens for the Athens 2004 Olympics—but probably my most memorable project was when the Archdeacon of Archbishop Iakovos of Blessed Memory called me in Mobile, Alabama.
I was actually stuck on a runway at O’Hare Airport trying to keep my promise to our sons that I would be home in time to take them to the circus that night. When Sophia told me that they needed me to design and create a custom icon for His Eminence to give as a gift to Pope John Paul II, I said great, what an honor, and then Sophia said that they needed it in New York by Thursday. I did manage to finish it, took it as a carry-on as it was drying, was escorted through three airports in time to walk up the stairs to hand-deliver it to the Archdeacon, and to receive the Blessing of His Eminence as he was entering his Limousine for the airport for his trip to the Vatican.